Tuesday, January 1, 2013

CD5: Get the F out, 2012

I've had a few not so great years in my life.  Age 17 was rough with parental issues (that thankfully were resolved and everyone is just a big happy family now).  Age 24 was full of drama with a cheating boyfriend - so hurtful that my friends had to feed me, pick me up off of the floor and put me to bed, and I literally felt like I could die of a broken heart.  Not to mention I drank enough wine and tequila to single handedly keep liquor store stocks on the uptick. 
That. Was. Nothing.
29 should have been one of the best years of my life.  I was a newlywed.  The bliss lasted for approximately 4 months.  The first week of January, I thought I was pregnant.  You see, we lied to everyone and told them we wanted to wait a little while before we started trying.  I wanted to be able to surprise our family and friends.  I also did not want everyone knowing we were trying just in case it took a few months to happen.  HAHA - a few months! 
Of course, I wasn't pregnant.  I was just smack dab in the middle of a 67 day cycle and that's when the questions started happening.  If you are not having your period, it means you are not ovulating.  If you are not ovulating, then there is no chance to get pregnant. Our whirlwind started then and since that day at the doctors office, Team Smith has gotten constantly beat down.  

Let me just list some of the 2012 madness for you:
- Quinn ate a large button off my coat and therefore we get vet bills
- 1 week later, I fall down the stairs carrying Quinn and mess up my foot and get to wear a boot for a month
- 2 weeks later, Ryan developed plantar fasciitis and what they thought was a small fracture and visited the same podiatrist I did.  $900 MRI bill to follow
- March - our first visit to the Reproductive Endocrinologist
- June - Ryan hurts his shoulder
- June - I go through some painful and expensive testing on my uterus and tubes
- Stress of my sisters wedding
- Ryan's Mammaw falls at least 4 times
- 4 failed infertility treatment cycles
- Ryan gets another MRI on his shoulder day after Christmas and it reveals that it is torn and will need surgery. 
- I turn 30 and have a very hard time with that number and being childless

That's just the footnotes.  I do not mean to complain, but are you F-ing SERIOUS?  I honestly have nothing good to say about 2012.  I am not sad to see it go.  I wish so many things had worked out differently.  I wish Team Smith wasn't so battered and bruised.  I wish my body would work. 
My wish for 2013 is happiness.  To me, this means less medical bills, more time with my husband, and a baby in our house... happiness indeed. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel you :( Coincidentally enough, I'm the one that developed plantar fasciatis and heel spur.
