Saturday, January 12, 2013

CD16: Reset the focus

I am 3 days post IUI and I look like I'm about 3 months pregnant.  (wouldn't that be nice...)  I have bloated up like a balloon.  It's a little better today, but I worry a little about it.  Maybe this is what's supposed to happen when you ovulate 2-4 eggs at a time?  I'm just glad I can pee without wincing today. 

The amazing hubby had surgery yesterday on his shoulder.  I did not read through his pre-op paperwork, probably mostly because I've been so overwhelmed with my crazy uterus.  I had the day off, and on the way taking him to the surgical center, he was drinking some water.  You see, he thought "no food or drink" meant anything but water.  So we get there, they get his IV all hooked up, start giving him some meds, and the anesthesiologist comes in.  She was going through her checklist of things to say and then said, "you've had nothing to drink, right?"  Hubby says no, only a half bottle of water on the way in. 
She.  Freaked.  OUT! 
She started going off about how "what part of no food or drink don't you understand?" "You could aspirate during surgery and die"  Yadda yadda yadda.  As soon as she said die I couldn't hear anything else.  We both just looked at each other and he started sweating and shaking.  I was successful in trying not to cry, but my heart was beating out of my chest.  Seriously??  I could be currently pregnant with 1-4 babies and now I might be husbandless?  They kicked me out shortly thereafter and I had to kiss him and head to the waiting room. 

I sat there through the hour long waiting room feeling guilty.  If he died, it was going to be on me.  I'm the organized one.  I'm the one that makes sure our deadlines are met and we get where we need to be on time.  I'm the one who handles all of our medical stuff.  And I did not take the time to review his pre-op instructions.  Yes, I know he's a big boy and should have known to ask that, but I'm his wife and it's my job to make sure he is taken care of. 

Needless to say, he made it through surgery fine and all is good.  But I then realized that infertility has taken over every wrinkle in my brain.  It has been all that matters for months and months.  I never even took the time to consider worrying about my hubby's surgery.  Wow. 

So, as we go forward, I have promised myself that I will decrease the laser focus on my female area and make sure that I at least am aware of other stuff around me.  During the two-week-wait is a good time to start that as I'm trying desperately to find other things to think about. 

Oh, and I'm super glad that my hubby is still alive.  He's pretty great and kinda irreplaceable. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad surgery went well and that he did not die! I would have freaked, too!! Hope your 2 weeks passes quickly and that you get some special time with your recovering hubby while you wait! Love ya.
