Monday, January 7, 2013

CD11: Overwhelmed, anxious, and bruised

This morning I had my 2nd ultrasound to count the number & size of the growing follicles and suck my blood for E2 testing.  Thankfully, I got a different nurse to take my blood today.  She has red curly hair - I didn't get her name - but I can envision myself whispering to the front desk to pretty-please-with-an-ovary on top give me her every time from now on.  She took one look at my left arm and said "holy crap, we definitely can't use that arm!" Long story short, she got it on the first stick, right arm, no G.D. fishing!!  Thank you Baby Jesus!  And then, to top it off, she gave me a pink wrap specifically to match my jacket.  I think I love her. 

Now on to the juicy, crazy stuff.  My doc, unfortunately, was late again.  So I had to have my ultrasound by one of the other docs in the practice.  He sat down, inserted vag cam, and all I can remember is hearing him click the button, over and over and over and over.  When they are looking, they freeze the screen, then measure height and width diameter on each one.  4 clicks per follie, and I heard a crapload of them... then realized he was still on the right ovary.  Holy egg balls! 

When he was all done, he told me that there were 8 follicles.  Um, excuse me? What?  Shut the freaking front door. 
Right Side: 16.8, 14, 15, 13
Left Side: 15, 14, 12, 11

He told me to not worry (right!!!) and to plan on taking another dose of 100iu tonight.  He is making me head to Canton tomorrow for another ultrasound and blood draw because he's afraid if we wait until Wednesday there may be too many that are mature.  You can't "shrink" them once they are ripe... so it's a delicate balance of having enough that are big enough but not crossing the line to Jon & Kate plus 8.

Follies grow about 2mm per day when taking follistim.  Dr. M said that you are usually ready to trigger once the lead (biggest) follie is 18, so I'm assuming I will be getting my trigger shot tomorrow.  The big question is how many of the 15 and 14s are going to keep growing too?  I've never had the problem of having "too many" so I'm not sure what his threshold is for when I get to trigger and when I have to cancel the cycle.  They never called me back today with my estrogen level, so that leaves a very big mystery also. 

So today, I don't know what to wish for... big follies, at least 3 follies, not more than 4 follies, normal estrogen levels... I just don't know.  I just don't want to hear the words: "Well Jen, we will have to wait until next month."  Fingers Freaking Crossed. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh... great news! Exciting! I hope you get good news tomorrow, too. I was waiting for this post all day. :)
