Tuesday, January 8, 2013

CD12: Pull the Trigger

I'll give the good news first today.  I often let the absolute craziness of this process take control and focus on the not-so-good.  I got my trigger shot this morning and will be going forward with our IUI (intrauterine insemination) tomorrow morning. 

The dirty details: Ultrasound revealed a 22mm and a 21mm follie in the right ovary.  The left had two 17mm follies and a 15mm follie.  Dr. M says he only thinks the 22 and 21 will ovulate, but there is a small chance the 17's will go too.  I was happy to see that we cut it from 8 to 5, and really only 2 definite eggs.  It's hard to ever feel satisfied in this journey.  Your doctor tells you that you have 2 great follicles, and you secretly wish that there were 3 great ones.  He tried to make a joke about not being able to reach my patients to check their eyes if I had triplets cooking in my belly... I laughed half heartedly and then had some not so nice visions of what life would be like with high order multiples - kinda a scary though, but let's not put the cart before the horse, or rather the babies before the follicles.

So, now for the not so nice stuff.  Dr. M told me to get dressed and head to the lab room to have a blood draw and get my trigger shot.  I walk in to find a new face, looks about 24 years old, and heavens-to-betsy-I-can't-make-this-shit-up, she looks me in the eye and tells me this is her first day on the job.  Mother of Pearl!!!  I tried to be as nice as I could muster at that point and give her the same speech I give to everyone about being a hard stick, thinking that she would take that hint and ask the more seasoned nurse to do it for her.  Ohhhhhh, no.  She couldn't find a vein, so she thought the solution to that would be to stick me and wiggle the needle back and forth trying to nick one.  Well obviously, that didn't go well.  So the nurse that I've had multiple times (really a sweet girl) came in to try her luck.  She missed too.  I guess I only have 2 good veins and they have both been blown.  So, after the 2 sticks and beads of sweat on my forehead, she then proceeds to tell me it isn't totally necessary to test estrogen today since we are triggering.  REALLY?  So, then they mix the trigger shot, I unbutton my pants, and she jabs it into my left back lovehandle.  It's a much bigger needle than the follistim and it gives a nice pinch and burn.  But, it is the best shot to get because you know that it is going to work.

One vag cam, one very sad scene in the waiting room (i'll tell you more about this on a different day), three needles, and one more copay later, and I was out the door... literally running to my car and speeding to get to work on time.  Worked till 7, then had to deal with employee issues until 7:50.  Drove home, ate dinner prepared by amazing hubby, update the blog and then it's off to bed.  Wake up call is 4:45am- mother trucker.  I have to have hubby's "sample" to the Akron office by 6:45am, then IUI around 8:15.

Whew... that's a lot to type.  Even more to think about.  Fingers Freaking Crossed.