Sunday, January 6, 2013

CD10: Wanna See What $451.60 Looks Like?

Are you impressed??  I knew you would be.  I'm a crazy researcher when it comes to anything medical, so when it was looking doom&gloom with the nice, inexpensive clomid ($80 for 4 cycles worth), I started reading about what the next step to injections would be like.  I was intellectually prepared for the cost, but I don't think anything can prepare you emotionally for throwing your money away so quickly. 

PS: (do you see the gray stopper right below my middle finger?  that's where the medicine starts.  the rest of the tube is I guess just there to look pretty?  i about passed out when I opened the first one up and saw how little medicine there was even in it!)

You see, infertility treatments and medications are not covered by our insurance company, and also many many others.  But, on the bright side, they do almost all cover Viagra, so if we are in our 60's and still trying to make a baby, they will help the amazing hubby out.  It makes no sense to me, really, but there isn't anything I can do to change it, so we just have to roll with it.

My online pharmacy has an email membership thingy, which is free - all you have to do is give them your email address, and they knock the price down to $254 per vial.  Each vial has 300iu (units) in it, but they overfill by almost 100units, so more like 375iu's.  I'm currently on my 3rd vial for the month, and I have another one sitting on my sink waiting to be tapped (too bad it's not as fun to tap those as it is to tap a keg). 
For those who aren't mathematically inclined, that's $1016.00 so far this month just on injections.  I am SO hoping that the meds I have left will be enough to get my follies big enough to trigger and I won't have to buy another one.  Walgreens sends the meds straight to you overnight in a box that looks like this:
Hopefully that is the last shipment I ever have to receive.  That little box towards the bottom is my ovulation trigger shot (hcg).  She clocks in at $59.90 a month, pocket change compared to the Follistim.  They even have my credit card on file to make it "easier" on me when I have to order more.  Well BLESS YOUR HEART!! 

Tomorrow I'm heading back to Akron for an ultrasound at 8:30am.  They will check the size/how many follicles are developing and also draw blood again (oh dear God).  There is a slim possibility that I will be ready to trigger, but I'm doubtful.  I love my doctor, but I swear if he is late again tomorrow, I may have to threaten to jam the vag cam in his special spot.  I have to be out of there by 9:45 to get to the office in time for my first patient... I wish I had his personal phone number - I would probably text him a wake up call just to be sure.  Stay tuned, I'll try to update tomorrow with the results.  Grow follies, GROW! 

1 comment:

  1. Checking often! Hope tomorrow goes well. I'll check back for an update tomorrow. Love you!
