Friday, April 19, 2013

CD6: Cyst free

My ultrasound Tuesday showed that the ovarian cysts were gone.  My doctor was in a craptastic mood, and was of course behind schedule, so I didn't get to ask many questions... but the plan is the same as the last two rounds.  Daily follistim injections, trigger when ready, and another IUI.

Here's how it all shakes out this month:
- Do I need to use progesterone suppositories this month?  I barely made it to 11 days post ovulation last cycle, and I'm wondering if we didn't give the baby/babies long enough to snuggle in.  Grasping at straws here, but how in the world did we not get pregnant with 4 eggs?!?
- How long do I have before my endo starts growing back?
- Assuming this doesn't work, what the hell do we do next?  Keep trying?  Move on to IVF? 

- I'm going in Sunday morning to see how my follicles are looking. 
- Next Saturday we have a fundraiser walk for my friend's little son who has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.  That is also CD14, which means that there is a high likelihood that our IUI will be that morning.  Suck!
- I met with my specialist for the first time last April.  One year with an infertility specialist is not a happy anniversary.  I got a Coach purse for my one year anniversary with my husband... it's really too bad I don't get another one from my doc.  Or a nice pair of diamond earrings.  1 carat.  Princess cut.  From Tiffany's. 

I'm not sure which doctor I'm seeing on Sunday, but I know it's not mine.  Maybe whoever it is gives out those 1 year earrings....  You can tell I've been at this game for too long now - rather than hoping to get pregnant, I now hope for new (free) jewelry. 

1 comment:

  1. I got a Coach purse for my one year anniversary with my husband... it's really too bad I don't get infertility treatments another one from my doc. Or a nice pair of diamond earrings.
