Today was my post-op after my lap. I shaved my legs last night, and all for nothing! Apparently, today was just for talking - no vag cam necessary. I sat in the exam room for 70 minutes waiting for him to come in. I swear to you, I have the patience of a freaking saint. My blood pressure was soaring by the time he opened the door.
He showed me 24 pictures of my insides that he took during my procedure. Good news... I have a uterus! Next came the pictures of my paratubal cyst. I felt silly snapping a pic on my phone but it looked like a clear balloon with blood vessels around it. He assured me today that he removed the entire thing, and he said he has no way of telling if that cyst had any baring on our poor baby making luck.
Lastly, he showed me the pictures of my endometriosis. It was located on the posterior cul de sac of the pelvis. According to Moon-dog, this is the most important area of the pelvis when it comes to creating a human. The ovaries hang down into the cul de sac, which means the ovaries, ends of fallopian tubes, back of the uterus and intestines are susceptible to the disease.
It looked very similar to this: (the discolored areas are the endo)
So, of course, he lasered it away, and hopefully lasered our
troubles, disappointment, and sadness away with it.
Now, for the part that you've been waiting for. I got the ok to stop my birth control pills today, and the plan is to wait for my cycle to start (hopefully within 1-2 days), do a day 3 ultrasound to make certain the ovarian cysts are gone, and then start back up on the daily injections. IUI #5 to follow sometime hopefully mid march. I'm hoping that this is the turning point for us. It has been an incredibly long and tiring journey and this girl is about wiped out. There is a saying "the harder to get, the better to have". If that is true, this child is going to be superkid, strikingly good looking, never ever get in trouble, and probably find the cure for cancer. Can't freaking wait. Ha.