Sunday, March 10, 2013

CD11: Back in the game, biznatch!

Well, hey folks.  I've been missing in action for a few days.  Life has been nothing short of crazy. 

Let me catch you up real quick:
- FINALLY started my cycle last Thursday
- Went in for ultrasound last Friday to find ovaries were cyst-free (hoo-freaking-ray!)
- Started on daily injections the next day
- Another ultrasound 3 days ago and bloodwork: ultrasound showed 5 follicles growing
- Instructions were continue 125iu of follistim daily and recheck follies Monday morning. 

There are questions and thoughts continuously swirling through my head.  Did the lap surgery help my chances?  What are we going to do if this round doesn't work?  When can I feel normal again? --> *actually, most everyone that knows me would say I have never been 'normal'. 

So, sometime within the next 3 days will probably be our insemination if all goes according to plan.  I am not feeling negative, but I am definitely not feeling positive either.  The infertile numbness officially set in about 4 months ago so that's kinda normal for me now.  I will update tomorrow night after I know a little bit more.  Until then.... sweet dreams of needles and alcohol pads....

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