Saturday, December 29, 2012


I must be psychic.  Last night while putting the finishing touches on my blog, I just felt hopeless and that our latest cycle did not work.  Sure enough, I woke up at 5am and realized that my period had started.... fan-freaking-tastic. 
So, we are officially now on to injectables.
Yes, that's right, ME, poking myself with needles and burny medicine on a daily basis.  Wrap your brain around that.   
Protocol after any treatment cycle is an internal ultrasound on CD1 thru CD3 (CD = cycle day) to make sure you don't have any ovarian cysts before starting more medication.  If you did, you run the risk of rupturing that cyst and destroying your ovary.  My ovaries hate me anyway, so it would be JUST like them to grow a cyst...
Heading to Akron tomorrow with the amazing hubs for an appointment at 8:45am on a Saturday to have the vag cam while on my period.  Now if that's not a good time, I don't know what is... 

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