Well today was my first monitoring appointment after starting the stimulating injections 4 days ago. I am on a dose that is almost 3 times stronger than what I've been on before. One would think that this would produce a lot of eggs pretty quickly.... One would be wrong.
The vag cam showed a bunch (maybe around 8) super tiny follicles on the right ovary. And the left had one super tiny one. I, of course, immediately started to panic as I was staring at the screen, begging to see some nice looking follicles. Doc noticed this and calmly told me that everything is fine, and that my ovaries are just having a hard time waking up from the lupron that put them to sleep. I, the skeptic, didn't buy into his calmness.
Before he left the room he patted my head and told me to stay on the same dose unless they called later that afternoon. They had to wait to get the estrogen levels back from my blood work before he would know for sure. Well, around 4:30, the nurse called and said that my E2 levels were pretty darn low and that he wants to increase the dose to try to speed things up a little. So tonight, instead of 300, I injected 450units at once. I am scheduled to go back Friday morning and will have another blood draw and ultrasound. The hope is that there will be some decent looking follicles and that I don't get set back too many days.
It's getting a little stressful because I have taken off work for certain days this next week based on the estimates that they gave me, but now, it's looking like all of those estimates will end up being incorrect. There's still a chance that they will catch up, but I guess I won't know that for sure until I see it happen.
So, it's been a slightly disappointing day, but not awful. I guess being a constant overachiever makes me feel like I'm not growing follies as well as I should or could be. There's not much that I can do about it, other than keep jabbing myself in the stomach, so that's what I shall do.
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